In this year of “Come, Follow Me”, we have become even more aware that Jesus is always leading us into more. The Bible reminds us that He is the God of exceedingly, abundantly and above all that we could ever ask, and He invites us to reach out for more, to carry His heart and become passionate about what He’s passionate about it - it all comes back to one thing:


What could happen if we made space for one more? If we could bring help and hope to one more house, one more street, one more suburb? Expansion is an invitation for us as a church and as individuals to consider how we could reach further into the community around us, a call to go into all the world and tell others about Jesus, rather than waiting for them to come and see.

Our Expansion Offering is an opportunity to partner together with our finances to make an impact and create change in our generation with the reality of Jesus through our Facilities, Kingdom Partnerships and Community Outreach.

We invite you to be a part of what God is doing through us as a church, and play your part in seeing His Kingdom extend further.


You can be a part of Expansion by giving financially towards our Expansion Offering, as well as serving practically during Help & Hope Week. We encourage you to take time to prayerfully consider how God might be asking you to be involved.

LIFE Community Bringing Help and Hope

The heart of LIFE Community is clear: to bring help and hope to our community, so that we can reverse the cycle of poverty – not just for those we serve, but also for the generations that follow. In a global climate charactised by ‘less’, we know that through our generosity and God’s provision, we can bring more to those around us and see lives, homes and cities changed.

His House, Our Home

At LIFE Adelaide our heart has always been to have a building  that not only draws people in, but serves as a gathering place for believers to connect and worship together. While our current facilities have served us well over the past 14 years we recognise the need to invest in refurbishments and building upgrades that will continue to serve us into the future God has for us.

Through a number of practical purchases we truly believe that we are poising our church for greater kingdom and community impact. It’s never just an upgraded chair, or space for a new information desk, it’s about creating an atmosphere of warmth and a place of invitation to welcome new friends into our family for years to come.

Heart of Kingdom

From the very beginning, we have been a church that is committed to carrying a Kingdom spirit – one that embraces the bigger picture of what God is doing beyond our walls. Whether by helping grow local churches, or reaching into the nations of the world through active partnerships, LIFE carries a passion to invest into the wider body of Christ.

Expansion Offering

By giving to our Expansion Offering, we’re paving a way for more people to discover who Jesus is and what He has done for each and every one of them. This offering will go towards creating further space in our facilities for people, empowering Kingdom partnerships and extending our Community outreach.

We’re so grateful for your prayerful consideration in what part you can play and invite you to record your commitment on the giving card below.

Ways to Give.

There are several ways to make a gift or fulfil your commitment.


Direct Debit
BSB 085-005     Account no: 83 553 2021
Reference: EXP23 'last, first name'
Church App


Please place cash in envelope 
labeled EXP23 'last, first name'
and place in a dropbox in the foyer


You can set up recurring payments through 
Online banking or through the Church App


LIFE Community Bringing Help and Hope

Help & Hope Week is an opportunity to make a practical difference in our community, with a range of initiatives and projects across the week that bring help and hope thousands of people.

LIFE Community Initiatives, Partnerships and Projects

Discover the joy of making a difference in our community by joining one of our LIFE Community initiatives and teams. Experience firsthand what it’s like to be part of one of our existing initiatives through LIFE Community Kitchens, Breakfast Club or Community BBQ.

We also have a number of special one-off projects being run through our initiatives during Help & Hope Week, such as small maintenance jobs or garden clean ups for single or struggling families. Jump in on one of these projects during Help & Hope Week and help make a difference!

 Nominate and Lead, Group or Team Projects

Beyond our current initiatives and projects, we also know that there are countless opportunities in the wider community. This is a chance for you and your Group or Team to get involved by initiating a project in a local community area that you are passionate about! Talk to your Group leader about what opportunity you have to serve together and bless a family, an organisation or a local club.