Day 1
“Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” Genesis 2:3
We rest because God rested. We are made in His image and are called to reflect Him in the way we live our lives.
The Sabbath day is holy, set apart from the other days for a specific purpose. God showed us exactly what this purpose is: to stop, to enjoy the fruit of labour. And not only our labour but the work of the One who made all things and gave us life.
We rest to remember that in God we live and have life; without Him we would not exist- nothing would. Sabbath is intentionally remembering the goodness of our God and the wonder of all He has done.
We rest because God rested. We are made in His image and are called to reflect Him in the way we live our lives.
The Sabbath day is holy, set apart from the other days for a specific purpose. God showed us exactly what this purpose is: to stop, to enjoy the fruit of labour. And not only our labour but the work of the One who made all things and gave us life.
We rest to remember that in God we live and have life; without Him we would not exist- nothing would. Sabbath is intentionally remembering the goodness of our God and the wonder of all He has done.
What are you needing to surrender to God today in order to enter His rest?
Lord God, thank You for the gift of Sabbath. Thank You setting me apart as Your child and for being my safe place of rest and restoration. Help me to lean on You and remember that apart from You, I can do nothing. I lift up my eyes to the heavens and give You all the glory- my Rock and my Redeemer. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.